Tuesday, March 24, 2009 / 5:56:00 PM
I read 1 keterangan..it said.. People will be gathered with those whom we love, we mix and follow(yat'tab'i).. If we love, mix and follow those who love Allah and his messenger, will be the ones who achieve and will be gathered in yaumul qiyamah together in peace and happiness.. Those who love, mix, and follow the doings of those people who do not believe in Allah, those enemies of Allah, will be gathered with them in fear and grave danger..and will be set up for them a burning place.. We ask you ya Allah, protection from this fitnah.. We ask you Ya Allah to protect us from following those who dont believe in you, and we ask you oh Allah, not to put in us, love of those who disbelieve and stray away from you and do maksiat to you, in our hearts even as big as an atom.. We fear that love for them might put us in grave danger.. We ask you oh Allah to not make space in our hearts, except to love You and Your messenger and except to love because of You and Your messenger. We ask you ya Allah, protection from things that make us forget you, even for a second. We ask you oh Allah, to make our eyes look at the quran and at the blessed faces of the salehins and at all the good things.not at those things you hate and forbid.. Make our ears hear only the beauty of the quran and those syair praising You and your messenger..not the songs of the disbelivers and those you forbid.. Make our tongue only to read the quran and zikir to you, not for it to talk bad and those stuff you forbid.. For we fear the little things we do will burn us.. We seek your help oh Allah..
Sunday, March 22, 2009 / 2:20:00 PM
just now, while i was walking to makam habib Nuh, i bumped into an invisible wall.. ????????
Thursday, March 19, 2009 / 9:34:00 PM
And...  New books!! yay!!
Ziarah to surabaya
/ 7:50:00 PM
Here are some pic from my surabaya trip.. Not in the mood to tell much.. Soo tired.. haha.. sry. u noe the walls are made out of treasure?  thats someone's head at the end.. see how big the picture is? Ampel mosque.. dah.. i wanna watch some tv..
Family tradition..
Friday, March 13, 2009 / 11:23:00 AM
Once every month, we would go to NTUC to buy food groceries and other stuff.. Its like a family tradition.. haha.. a silly one maybe.. My maternal grandparents started it first.. untill now.. and the daughters follow the footsteps of their parents.. hahaha!..  We buy this much milk and we spend  in all.. cool huh? You must be wondering what crap we buy? haha. .
Finish packing.. Goodbye Singapore!
the 12 nights..
Monday, March 9, 2009 / 12:31:00 PM
It feels like ramadan.. after maghrib we would go to the mosque.. but this month is different.. its Mauildin Nabi.. the month where Nabi s.a.w was born.. just like ramadan.. when it ends, and we start to takbir, feels like there is no more light.. feels like the light is no longer available.. and tears start rolling.. now the 12 nights is over.. i feels lonely again.. ='(.. no more majlis after maghrib.. no more daiba'i.. i can still smell the sweetness of yesterday's maljis.. wish the smell will stick forever..
I'll be flying off, Friday night.. and things will be different after that.. insyaallah.. T_T..
What A Day!Edited..=)
Friday, March 6, 2009 / 6:53:00 PM
EDITED..=) I want to scream at a few people today.. Firstly at this damn freaking annoying 'apek' at the bus stop.. feel like breaking his other hand.. and throw away his stick.. so everyone won't have to wait for his freaking leg.. anymore... hahahaha.. haizz... and to Ustaz Sanusi who mewajibkan us attend some wedding.. i don't even know who is getting married he said the makcik yang jual nasi lemak punya anak?? haha... which makcik? haha.. then during the wedding eat more nasi lemak?? i don't understand why it's compulsory for me to go.. besides, its a Sunday.. hai.. ustaz ustaz.. btw ustaz... if you're reading this.. i'm not coming... i have a very busy schedule during the weekends... sooo sorry... some others will not be mentioned.. and congrats to Hakeym!! for his a'level results!well done.. good job bro.. =)
Thanks Nadrah.. =)
What a day!
/ 3:05:00 PM
i want to screaming at a few people today.. Firstly at this damn freaking annoying 'apek' at the bus stop.. feel like breaking his other hand.. and throw away his stick.. so everyone don't have to wait for his freaking leg.. anymore... hahahaha.. haizz...
and to ustaz Sanusi who mewajibkan us attend some wedding.. i don't even know who is getting married they say the mak cik yang jual nasi lemak punya anak?? haha... which mak cik? haha.. then the wedding eat more nasi lemak?? i don't understand why is it compulsory for me to go? besides its a Sunday.. hai.. ustaz ustaz.. btw ustaz... if u reading this.. i'm not coming... i have a very buzy schedule during the weekends... sooo sorry...
some others will not be mentioned..
and congrats to Hakeym!! for his a'level results! well done.. good job bro.. =)
Muhammad Iqbal
Bin Abdul Rashid
Tuesday, March 24, 2009 / 5:56:00 PM
I read 1 keterangan..it said.. People will be gathered with those whom we love, we mix and follow(yat'tab'i).. If we love, mix and follow those who love Allah and his messenger, will be the ones who achieve and will be gathered in yaumul qiyamah together in peace and happiness.. Those who love, mix, and follow the doings of those people who do not believe in Allah, those enemies of Allah, will be gathered with them in fear and grave danger..and will be set up for them a burning place.. We ask you ya Allah, protection from this fitnah.. We ask you Ya Allah to protect us from following those who dont believe in you, and we ask you oh Allah, not to put in us, love of those who disbelieve and stray away from you and do maksiat to you, in our hearts even as big as an atom.. We fear that love for them might put us in grave danger.. We ask you oh Allah to not make space in our hearts, except to love You and Your messenger and except to love because of You and Your messenger. We ask you ya Allah, protection from things that make us forget you, even for a second. We ask you oh Allah, to make our eyes look at the quran and at the blessed faces of the salehins and at all the good things.not at those things you hate and forbid.. Make our ears hear only the beauty of the quran and those syair praising You and your messenger..not the songs of the disbelivers and those you forbid.. Make our tongue only to read the quran and zikir to you, not for it to talk bad and those stuff you forbid.. For we fear the little things we do will burn us.. We seek your help oh Allah..
Sunday, March 22, 2009 / 2:20:00 PM
just now, while i was walking to makam habib Nuh, i bumped into an invisible wall.. ????????
Thursday, March 19, 2009 / 9:34:00 PM
And...  New books!! yay!!
Ziarah to surabaya
/ 7:50:00 PM
Here are some pic from my surabaya trip.. Not in the mood to tell much.. Soo tired.. haha.. sry. u noe the walls are made out of treasure?  thats someone's head at the end.. see how big the picture is? Ampel mosque.. dah.. i wanna watch some tv..
Family tradition..
Friday, March 13, 2009 / 11:23:00 AM
Once every month, we would go to NTUC to buy food groceries and other stuff.. Its like a family tradition.. haha.. a silly one maybe.. My maternal grandparents started it first.. untill now.. and the daughters follow the footsteps of their parents.. hahaha!..  We buy this much milk and we spend  in all.. cool huh? You must be wondering what crap we buy? haha. .
Finish packing.. Goodbye Singapore!
the 12 nights..
Monday, March 9, 2009 / 12:31:00 PM
It feels like ramadan.. after maghrib we would go to the mosque.. but this month is different.. its Mauildin Nabi.. the month where Nabi s.a.w was born.. just like ramadan.. when it ends, and we start to takbir, feels like there is no more light.. feels like the light is no longer available.. and tears start rolling.. now the 12 nights is over.. i feels lonely again.. ='(.. no more majlis after maghrib.. no more daiba'i.. i can still smell the sweetness of yesterday's maljis.. wish the smell will stick forever..
I'll be flying off, Friday night.. and things will be different after that.. insyaallah.. T_T..
What A Day!Edited..=)
Friday, March 6, 2009 / 6:53:00 PM
EDITED..=) I want to scream at a few people today.. Firstly at this damn freaking annoying 'apek' at the bus stop.. feel like breaking his other hand.. and throw away his stick.. so everyone won't have to wait for his freaking leg.. anymore... hahahaha.. haizz... and to Ustaz Sanusi who mewajibkan us attend some wedding.. i don't even know who is getting married he said the makcik yang jual nasi lemak punya anak?? haha... which makcik? haha.. then during the wedding eat more nasi lemak?? i don't understand why it's compulsory for me to go.. besides, its a Sunday.. hai.. ustaz ustaz.. btw ustaz... if you're reading this.. i'm not coming... i have a very busy schedule during the weekends... sooo sorry... some others will not be mentioned.. and congrats to Hakeym!! for his a'level results!well done.. good job bro.. =)
Thanks Nadrah.. =)
What a day!
/ 3:05:00 PM
i want to screaming at a few people today.. Firstly at this damn freaking annoying 'apek' at the bus stop.. feel like breaking his other hand.. and throw away his stick.. so everyone don't have to wait for his freaking leg.. anymore... hahahaha.. haizz...
and to ustaz Sanusi who mewajibkan us attend some wedding.. i don't even know who is getting married they say the mak cik yang jual nasi lemak punya anak?? haha... which mak cik? haha.. then the wedding eat more nasi lemak?? i don't understand why is it compulsory for me to go? besides its a Sunday.. hai.. ustaz ustaz.. btw ustaz... if u reading this.. i'm not coming... i have a very buzy schedule during the weekends... sooo sorry...
some others will not be mentioned..
and congrats to Hakeym!! for his a'level results! well done.. good job bro.. =)